Fish Wives at Fisherrow fish market


The exhibition includes documents and artifacts dating to the 17th century to give an insight into life, and death in the town at this time and subsequent years.

Included are the Charter giving the status of a Burgh to Musselburgh, and the certificate describing and allowing Musselburgh to use it’s Coat of Arms. Large case 3 Musselburgh Coat of Arms








The Silver Arrow Bond Book containing the names of all the winners since it’s inception in 1666. The Silver Arrow is the oldest sporting competition in the world.

Silver Arrow Bond Book

The history of the two outbreaks of Cholera in Musselburgh in the 19th century. This includes several original letters written by David Macbeth Moir who documented and treated people in the first outbreak, his findings were the basis of treatment for this disease followed in all subsequent outbreaks.

In addition there are many records including Council Minutes, Burgess Tickets and other historical documents which have remained unseen for many years.

There are records of racing on the race course, records of the Old Golf Course, (the Oldest golf course in the world). Examples of pottery with the Coat of Arms of Musselburgh produced in Musselburgh by the Newbiggin Pottery, and many other artifacts of life in the town over the centuries.

Overview 1



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